Plan de reprise d’activité dans le domaine d’un groupe d’agences d’intérim

Garantir la continuité d'exploitation des infrastructures grâce à un plan de reprise d'activité dans le cloud

Disaster Recovery Plan in the field of a temporary staffing agency group

The context

A network of 16 temporary staffing agencies with a regional footprint specializing in construction, public works, and civil engineering

The challenges

Protect against long-term IT outages and cyber-attacks.

An insurance requirement to cover operational losses.

The solution

  • Implementation of the Nuabee DRP to secure 10 Windows servers and 3.3 TB of data with biannual DRP tests In the event of a disaster, the maximum interruption time is 4 hours.
  • Managed DRP solution with maintenance in operational condition

The plus

An affordable price for an SME with a complete service offer, a guarantee of peace of mind in facing a serious situation.

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