Get to know us

As an innovative French company in the field of business continuity and cyber resilience, Nuabee has been supporting its Mid-cap, SME and public sector clients in maintaining their business operations for nearly 10 years.

By enhancing the resilience of their IT systems and protecting their data with cloud backup and disaster recovery solutions, leveraging efficient and innovative public cloud infrastructures.

Nuabee's expertise is based on

10 years of experience in cyber-resilience and business continuity
Its experience in the world of corporate IT business continuity.
10 years of R&D on the transformation of IT environments
Its mastery of IT environments, both on internal infrastructures and in the Cloud.
Strong skills in OpenStack public cloud architectures
Our expertise in OpenStack and public cloud environments.
A strong cloud security culture and IT risk management
Its culture of information system security and Disaster Recovery Planning.
Our research and development work

Our status as a young innovative company was obtained as early as 2015, validated by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, demonstrates that Nuabee engages in numerous research and development activities.

Our goal is to continue offering you an innovative approach and methods in the field of cloud public outsourcing backup and disaster recovery planning.

Our research primarily focuses on:

  • Methods for automated implementation in an OpenStack Cloud of various market operating systems
  • The industrialization of restart processes at a backup site: systems, networks, security
  • Models and solutions for reconnecting fallback sites in the Cloud
  • The development of innovative solutions for cyber-crisis simulation
They trust us

We have more than 100 references in the field of Disaster Recovery Plan, server backup, M365 backup

Meet our team

Operations Pilot
Already 15 years in IT.
My priority: customer satisfaction both at work and at festivals!
Founding President
For 25 years in cybersecurity | cyber-resilience.
I enjoy exploring new areas and our mountains.
Senior Architecte Cloud
Expertise in Linux, OpenStack, Backup & Restore, and mildly funny puns
Service Delivery Manager
Guides clients and teams. Previously specialized in the protection of people, today servers.
Lead Developper Python
I like bug-free programs, Python code without surprises and spaghetti without pesto!
Back Developer
Python Developer; passionate, tamer of mechanical horses in his free time
Cybersecurity, network and system expert. Passionate about astrophysics and sociology
Director of Operations
Application architecture expert and development solutions
Presales Engineer
An analysis and an understanding of the client's needs as sharp as a katana. Self-proclaimed expert in mangas | manhwas.
Cloud and IT Security architecture
Digital security, freedom of mind: Union of technology and conscience.
Expert Operations and Linux
Adept Administrator BSD and Linux, devoted to efficiency and performance in both the cloud and on a skateboarding
Systems and networks admin. I like football, basketball and computer science
Pierre Jean
Cloud Technology Evangelist
Expertise in Windows and Linux, Backup and every hardware stuff
Lead Developer Rust Cybee
Rust Developer Cybee
Man of passion (climbing, music, computing, etc.). I see opportunities to learn and be happy everywhere.
Rust Developer Cybee
Backend Developer, transforming architectures into a kingdom of microservices, with a touch of code and plenty of cleverness.
Risk Manager

Nuabee's contact

65, rue Hénon
69004 Lyon - France
Contact Us - Homepage top right