The Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan Protection Class

Nuabee offers a Cloud DRP that adapts to the needs of businesses of all sizes, for all environments.

To this end, Nuabee has 3 progressive protection classes to address the criticality of each server.

The DRP protection class provides maximum protection for your most critical servers that require a restart within a few hours.

Cloud DRP Class Features
100% Automated DRP
Thanks to industrialization, we can launch your DRP with one click. The entire restart process is industrialized, reducing restart times and human intervention.
Short Restart Times
The restart of your servers and activities is guaranteed within short timeframes thanks to the industrialization of our solution and its innovative model. RTOs and RPOs are guaranteed.
Biannual DRP Tests
An automated test is carried out biannually. It covers the restart of your DRP and the reconnection of users. The proper functioning of your IT system is verified with your teams. Test reports are available on the console.
100% Managed Solution
The solution is managed by Nuabee's teams who ensure operational maintenance, backup monitoring, and test execution.
A Dedicated Monitoring Console
This console allows you to administer your Disaster Recovery Plan solution: monitor your backups and your DRP, consult test reports, and request changes to the DRP scope.
Secure and Encrypted Data
Your data is encrypted at the source with a key that only you hold and is stored in data centers certified under ISO 27001, ISAE3402, and PCI-DSS, among others.
Why Choose Nuabee's Cloud DRP Protection Class?
Increase Your Cyber Resilience Implement a cyber resilience strategy to protect your information system and your clients from downtime following a ransomware attack or a disaster.
Comply with Legal Obligations Comply with your legal and regulatory obligations and provide proof of service availability assurance offered by the DRP.
Prevent Business Downtime Protect your business from a shutdown by seeking a solution that allows for a quick restart with minimal data loss.
Our everyday client missions
Monitor your backups to the Cloud daily.
Conduct DRP and backup restoration tests.
Check the reconnection of your fallback sites or your remote sites.
Alert you when the problem comes from your side (disk space, network connection, line speed, etc.).

A Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan solution

Not all servers require the same level of protection or the same restart times. Therefore, they should not be treated the same way. That’s why the Nuabee solution offers 3 classes of protection for your servers:

Critical servers

They require a very rapid restart, often in less than 4 hours, with data regularly replicated in the Cloud. These servers require the DRP Protection Class.

Important servers

They require regular backup in the Cloud and a restart within 1 to 4 days. These servers will be in the Backup class with restart tests.

Other servers

They are not critical to the business’s activity. They require regular backup in the Cloud and can be restarted over several days. These servers require the Cloud Backup Class.

Nuabee's contact

65, rue Hénon
69004 Lyon - France
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