Nuabee Backup for Microsoft 365

A fully managed and affordable solution:

  • – 100% managed as a service, nothing to deploy
  • – Custom retention policies by group
  • – Complete autonomy in data restoration
  • – Covers Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft Teams
The benefits of the Microsoft 365 backup solution by Nuabee
Secure data Data is protected with AES 256 encryption and data transfer via SSL
Regular backups Data is backed up several times a day.
High-performance platform The offered storage is high-performing and redundant across multiple Datacenters
5 mistakes that make backing up your Microsoft 365 data essential
Corrupted Emails
It allows for the quick restoration of damaged or lost messages, thus ensuring communication continuity and the preservation of critical information contained in emails.
Internal Malice
It offers a way to recover data deliberately deleted or altered by internal actors, thus protecting the integrity and availability of essential business information.
Accidental Deletion
It is indispensable in the case of accidental deletion of documents, emails, or Teams messages because it enables the quick restoration of these elements essential to collaboration and business communication, thus avoiding the loss of important data.
Administrative error
Backing up Microsoft 365 is vital in case of administrative errors by IT staff because it provides an additional layer of security for recovering configurations and data altered or lost due to incorrect handling, thus ensuring operational continuity.

Nuabee's contact

65, rue Hénon
69004 Lyon - France
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