The Cloud backup protection tiers

Nuabee offers a Cloud DRP (Disaster Recovery Plan) that adapts to the needs of businesses of all sizes, across all environments.

For this, Nuabee has 3 progressive protection classes to match the criticality of each server.

The Cloud Backup Protection Class corresponds to the need for an outsourced and sealed cloud backup. This class can easily evolve towards backup with tests or towards a full DRP.

Features of the Cloud backup tiers

100% Managed Solution
The solution is managed by the Nuabee teams who ensure operational maintenance and monitor the backups.
A Dedicated Monitoring Console
This console allows you to administer your Disaster Recovery Plan solution: monitor your backups and request changes to the project scope.
Secured and Encrypted Data
Your data is encrypted at the source with a key that only you possess and is stored in certified data centers, including ISO 27001, ISAE3402, and PCI-DSS.
Hybrid Backup
We can offer both local and cloud backup.
The local backup is managed by you, and we monitor and manage the cloud backup.

Nuabee's contact

65, rue Hénon
69004 Lyon - France
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