The Cloud Digital Archiving Solution for Servers

The differences between computer backup and digital archiving

Firstly, digital archiving should not be confused with concepts of data backup or computer storage. Indeed, archiving and backup serve different functions and purposes, do not meet the same needs, nor do they operate in the same manner.

Let’s start with an analysis of the fundamental differences between computer backup and digital archiving.

Computer Backup

Digital Archiving


The depth of a backup often varies from a few days to a few months. To describe this, we often talk about the GFS (Grandfather-Father-Son) mechanism.

The depth of the archives ranges from a few weeks to several years.

Restoration or recovery speed

The most important aspect of backup is restoration. The main requirement is the speed of restoration. It is critical: operations are halted while waiting for files or a server to be restored.

The speed of recovery from an archive is longer:

  • In server archive mode, count 24 to 48 hours to get an active machine;
  • In file mode: a few hours at most.

Regulatory/Standardization Dimension

here isn’t really a standard for backups, but certain management standards (ISO 900x, ISO 2700x, etc.) require having a backup policy suited to the risks and stakes of the business.

Archiving can meet specific requirements:

  • Regulatory: archiving an application with its data;
  • Normative: archiving a file (invoice, payslip, etc.) with a guarantee of integrity.

There are hundreds of standards/regulations on the subject (by industry, by type of document, etc.).

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